Yonex Voltric Glanz Badminton Racket (2016)

Yonex Voltric Glanz Badminton Racket (2016)

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The dissonance is arguably the virtually essential piece of equipment for a badminton actor. While the courtroom, shuttles and playing weather are shared by all players involved in a badminton friction match, the racket is fully inside the command of the player. The racket is unremarkably viewed as an extension of a player'due south arm. Every bit such, it should complement a player's style and level.

Whether you lot gravitate towards pummeling your opponents with a flurry of powerful smashes or outpacing your foes with speedy exchanges of control and precision, a racket should piece of work for you and not the other way around. When called properly, a racket can be your greatest ally on courtroom, while carelessly settling for a noise can turn it into your biggest enemy. Learn about the unlike properties of badminton rackets beneath to discover which dissonance is best suited for yous!

Category Recommended Product(s)
Author'due south Pick Voltric Z-Force Ii Larn More
Best Value Voltric GlanZ Learn More
All-time for Beginner Players Voltric Ace Acquire More
All-time for Intermediate Players Voltric GlanZ Learn More
Best for Advanced Players Voltric Z-Force II Acquire More than

Racket Series

Noise Series Make Signature Trait Post
Astrox Yonex Steep Attack Link
Duora Yonex Dual Impact Link
Nanoflare Yonex Rapid Burn down Link
Nanoray Yonex Lightning Speed Link
Voltric Yonex Crushing Power Link
Auraspeed Victor Speed Link

If you're interested in other badminton products, I highly recommend checking out our Badminton Equipment page where we gathered all of our production posts in 1 easy identify for you to access so that you tin make an informed decision earlier whatsoever purchase.

Noise Properties


The balance of a racket is determined by finding the position on the shaft in which the racket remains stable and completely parallel to the ground. The distance between the base of the handle to this position on the shaft is called the balance point. The balance point is used to categorize the residue of a racket. Understanding the traits of different balances volition allow you lot to select a racket that boosts your gameplay.

Residuum Bespeak Balance
> 295mm Head-Heavy
285 – 295mm Even Balanced
< 285mm Head-Low-cal


A head-heavy dissonance has a residuum point that is over 295mm. They are suitable for players who favor an attacking style of play. Players who are smash-happy, savor powerful shots or prefer the dorsum-courtroom can do good from choosing head-heavy rackets, as it adds extra force behind their shots. Nonetheless, with swell ability comes decreased noise movement. Since the weight is concentrated at the head of the racket, it becomes more hard for the player to swing the dissonance head quickly. Therefore, those who use head-heavy rackets may detect information technology difficult to react to fast shots or play a solid defensive game.

Every bit the command of head-heavy rackets takes more attempt and exercise to master, these rackets are recommended for experienced players vs. beginners. Beginners who lack the feel to manage caput-heavy rackets tin can endure shoulder injuries from misusage or apply stress to the wrist from attempting quick drives or defensive shots.

Pros: Generates powerful shots
Cons: Decreased racket handling, Increased risk of injury if misused
Recommended for: Attacking players, Back-court play


Head-light rackets observe a balance signal typically below 285mm. With head-light rackets, speed is the proper name of the game. The lighter frame gives players the ability to steer the racket to their volition with more ease. These rackets are characterized as being superior at executing shots at the net, blocking smashes, controlling the shuttle and enabling players to accept quicker reaction times.

Players who bask games filled with fast drive exchanges and speedy rallies should look into playing with a head-low-cal racket. Head-light rackets are suggested for doubles games, defensive game play and front-court players. While head-low-cal rackets enable players with slap-up speed of the racket, they give up power in substitution for it. With less mass at the frame, head-calorie-free rackets take less momentum transferred from the swing to the shuttle, making it more hard to produce explosive shots.

Pros: Greater command of the noise, Improves reaction speed
Cons: Decreased explosive power
Recommended for: Defensive and doubles players, Front-courtroom and fast-paced play

Even Balanced

Even balanced rackets can be viewed as Jack of all Trades, as they are able to adequately execute all of the different shots. The balance point for fifty-fifty balanced rackets take a length between the range of 285-295mm. An even counterbalanced dissonance allows you to blend the benefits of caput-heavy/-lite rackets while masking the drawbacks. It allows you lot to attain precision in your shots while besides giving you lot a degree of power.

If y'all are a role player who does non have a stiff preference towards whatsoever particular play style, an even balanced racket would be a solid choice to back up you lot in any situation you detect yourself in on the court. Additionally, for beginners starting to play badminton, an even balanced racket can assistance you uncover your badminton play style. When y'all make the discovery on whether you are inclined to power-plays or speed-plays, yous can switch to head-heavy or head-light rackets, respectively. The even balanced dissonance is sub-optimal for players looking for specialization, such as playing remarkably fast shots or supremely powerful smashes.

Pros: Capable of executing each shot well (though not exceptionally)
Cons: No specialization towards either defensive or offensive extremes
Recommended for: All around players, Beginners

Author's note: Instead of purchasing or borrowing a racket with a different balance point to try it out, at that place are domicile remedies that a player tin take to modifying the remainder of point of the racket. To make a noise more than head-heavy, a player can add atomic number 82 tape to the caput of the dissonance. Whereas to make a racket more caput-light, a player tin can experiment with calculation dissimilar types of grips to the handle.


Per Badminton World Federation (BWF) guidelines, the weight of a badminton noise should not exceed 100g. Yonex's breakdown is as follows:

Unit of measurement Weight
1U 95g – 99.9g
2U 90g – 94.9g
3U 85g – 89.9g
4U 80g – 84.9g
5U 75g – 79.9g
F 70g – 74.9g

Lighter weight rackets are easier to control and are more all-around towards improper grade or technique. They let for quicker recovery from shots and fluid execution of a variety of shots. As such, lighter rackets are recommended for beginners.

Heavier rackets are able to generate bigger force at the cost of dissonance handling. Equally it takes more strength to move the racket, it can be an injury run a risk for players who are not equipped to apply it properly. Beginners are not recommended to utilize heavy rackets when starting their badminton journey.


The grip of a racket is measured by the circumference of the handle. Typically rackets are made in G4 or G5 grip sizes. The table below details the grips and their respective sizes.

Unit of measurement Grip Size
G1 4 in / 10.2 cm
G2 3.75 in / ix.5 cm
G3 three.5 in / 8.9 cm
G4 3.25 in / eight.3 cm
G5 three in / vii.6 cm
G6 2.75 in / seven cm

Smaller grips are recommended for players who enjoy keeping their opponents on their toes. They allow for a greater amount of racket manipulation and make it easier to make concluding second deceptions.

Bigger grips allow players to evangelize ability by using more of their arm rather than their finger and wrist strength. Power players tend to grip the handle tighter, making a bigger grip the more suitable choice.

If you are uncertain well-nigh the grip you should select, air on the side of a smaller grip. In that location is always the option to add overgrips to increase the size of your current grip. Read the post-obit post nosotros wrote to determine the right grip to complement your play fashion: The Complete Guide to Yonex Badminton Grips.


The flex (short for flexibility) of a racket refers to how stiff the shaft is. The stiffness of a racket'due south shaft influences the noise stroke and recovery time of a player and thus is an of import betoken of consideration when choosing a racket. By definition, when a dissonance is strong, it does non bend as far back as a flexible racket would during a swing. This property makes it and then a stiffer racket will return faster to its base of operations position than a less potent racket would (with all else beingness equal), giving the player a smaller time period to exert force onto the shuttlecock.

In that location is an splendid explanation of information technology in this forum post. While a stiffer racket recovers faster than a more flexible racket because of the decreased vibrations after a hit, information technology is more difficult to time shots. Flexible rackets are more lenient towards slower shuttle strikes but increases recovery time. This means that a player should use a stiffer racket if he/she can generate sufficient power very quickly and a more than flexible noise if he/she takes more fourth dimension to generate power.

Yonex categorizes its rackets into iv levels of stiffness: actress strong, stiff, medium, and howdy-flex. Every bit a beginner, we would recommend medium or hi-flex rackets since it is hard for beginners to take advantage of the extra stiff or strong properties. Seasoned players tend to utilize stiff and extra stiff rackets merely there are certainly exceptions where they however prefer flexible rackets.

Voltric Products

Yonex's Voltric series is renown for its ability to deliver crushing power, the signature of being an entirely head-heavy line of rackets. The driving force behind this quality is the innovative TRI-VOLTAGE Organization. This system combines calculated weight distribution in the head of the noise, flexing in the frame, and the science of aerodynamics.

These 3 traits work together to create immense power without sacrificing speed and racket handling. The design of the frame creates a miracle in which shuttles are held on the string bed for a longer duration, allowing ability to transfer from the strings to the shuttle. The racket head contains areas with a thinner frame forth its pinnacle and sides, designed at reducing air resistance. Voltric rackets put your opponents' defense to the examination by pressuring them with exceptionally fast shots. Requite Voltric a try and see how this series of rackets tin take your smashes to the next level.

Category Recommended Product(s)
Author'due south Choice Voltric Z-Force Ii Learn More
All-time Value Voltric GlanZ Learn More
Best for Beginner Players Voltric Ace Acquire More
Best for Intermediate Players Voltric GlanZ Learn More than
All-time for Advanced Players Voltric Z-Force 2 Learn More than

Voltric 0F

The Voltric 0F is an all around racket that is suitable for players who are relatively new to badminton or are looking for a noise that gives good value for the price. It is quite light at 83g which makes it skillful for players who are looking for a fast attacking style of play. Great as a starting racket.

Level Recommendation Beginner
Residuum Caput-Heavy
Weight/Grip 4U (83g) G4
Toll $
Amazon Blue
Yumo Pro Shop Bluish | Blackness/Carmine

Voltric Ace

The Voltric Ace is one of the most budget-friendly rackets that is ideal for beginners who gravitate towards an offensive fashion of play.

At the 4U (83g) weight, this racket volition aid beginners to produce heavier shots at their opponents in cases where the players may not have the technique or arm forcefulness to generate the power themselves. Paired with its isometric frame shape, the Voltric Ace should be an offensive beginner'southward pick of noise.

Level Recommendation Beginner
Residue Head Heavy
Weight/Grip 4U (83g) G4
Cost $
Amazon Ice Bluish | Royal Blue

Voltric Light

The Voltric Lite is pretty similar to the Voltric 0F we described above. Yonex created this racket with beginners in mind and provided it with a large sweet spot so that off-centered shots can notwithstanding be controlled. Also excellent for players looking for a starting racket.

Level Recommendation Beginner
Balance Head-Heavy
Flex How-do-you-do-FLEX
Weight/Grip 4U (83g) G4,five
Cost $
Amazon White/Black | Blue | Yellowish/Blackness

Voltric 1DG

The Voltric 1DG is on the lower finish of the caput-heavy spectrum and is too a heavier racket than the other 2 beginner rackets described above, coming in at 88g. The balance of the racket allows the actor to movement it around easier for defense and the additional weight allows the histrion to retain power. However, the additional weight will require the player to utilize more free energy and take more endurance to utilise it than other beginner rackets.

Level Recommendation Beginner
Balance Head-Heavy
Flex Medium
Weight/Grip 3U (88g) G5
Price $
Amazon Bluish

Voltric 2DG Slim

The Voltric 2DG Slim is able to combine both ability and racket handling to give players a variety of shots to challenge their opponents with. The Voltric 2DG Slim has a thinner shaft than its Voltric 2DG predecessor.

Level Recommendation Beginner
Residual Head-Heavy
Weight/Grip 3U (88g) G4,5
Cost $
Whitebot Sports Orange

Voltric 8DG Slim

The Voltric 8DG Slim employs a slim shaft which allows for reduced air resistance in the racket swing. This results in more powerful shots without the added difficulty of decision-making the noise'southward mobility.

Level Recommendation Intermediate
Balance Head-Heavy
Weight/Grip 3U (88g) G4,5
Cost $$
Amazon Cyan
Badminton Bay Cyan

Voltric Glanz

Best value. The Voltric GlanZ is a racket that is designed for recreational players who like a balance betwixt quick racket speed and difficult smashes. It is quite light at 83g and has a fairly large sweet spot which makes information technology more forgiving to inaccurately hit shots.

Level Recommendation Intermediate
Balance Head-Heavy
Flex Medium
Weight/Grip 4U (83g) G4,5,six
Toll $$$
Amazon Sapphire Navy
Badminton Bay Sapphire Navy
Yumo Pro Store Sapphire Navy

Voltric FB

The Voltric FB is on the lower end of the head-heavy residue range and is a very light dissonance at 73g. It can exist used for very quick movements for fast drives and steep smashes. A thespian will need to have proficient wrist command and reflexes in club to handle this dissonance well.

Level Recommendation Intermediate
Residuum Head-Heavy
Flex Potent
Weight/Grip F (73g) G5
Cost $$$
Amazon Black/Bluish | Black/Green | Navy/Orangish
Yumo Pro Store Black/Blue | Blackness/Green

Voltric 10DG

The Voltric 10DG is part of the Durable Grade series of rackets that is known for durability and agility. It is a good and steady mid-range racket that tin can deliver solid driblet shots, clears and drives. While it suffers on the defense front, it has a large sweet spot that players can benefit from. This dissonance can produce heavy smashes and is praised for retaining swing speed and dissonance handling. Notwithstanding, due to its stiffness and head-heaviness, beginners are cautioned confronting using the Voltric 10DG.

Level Recommendation Avant-garde
Balance Caput-Heavy
Flex Stiff
Weight/Grip 3U (83g) G5
Cost $$$
Amazon Black/Purple
Badminton Bay Black/Purple

Voltric 11DG Slim

The Voltric 11DG Slim is meaning in its head heaviness. While marketed as medium flex, players take observed it to be rather stiff in the flex category. Without proper timing and practice, the Voltric 11DG Slim can be tiring to handle and may cause discomfort in the arm. However, with proper technique and physique, the Voltric 11DG Slim can deliver overwhelming smashes and deep clears. This racket is positioned towards advanced players for this precise reason.

Level Recommendation Advanced
Remainder Head-Heavy
Flex Medium
Weight/Grip 3U (88g) G4,five
Price $$
Amazon Spark Gold
Badminton Bay Spark Gilded

Voltric 21DG Slim

The Voltric 21DG Slim generates power behind each stroke of the racket. While the racket is rather caput heavy, it is arguably the easiest racket to use out of the Durable Course series every bit the swing is fast through the air. The Voltric 21DG Slim has a solid and stable feel and command. This dissonance does non take the well-nigh explosive power out of the DG series, only makes upwards for information technology with its more forgiving dissonance handling. With a smaller frame, similar to the Voltric Z-Force II, head-heaviness and stiff flex, the Voltric 21DG Slim is recommended for advanced players.

Level Recommendation Advanced
Balance Head-Heavy
Flex Medium
Weight/Grip 3U (88g) G4,5
Cost $$
Amazon Dark Gun
Badminton Bay Dark Gun

Voltric Z-Force Two

Writer'due south pick. The Voltric Z-Force Two is the top of the line racket in the Voltric series, replacing its predecessor, the Voltric Z-Force. This racket sports the thinnest shaft, smaller head, and Tungsten infused grommets, all of which interpret to explosive smashes, speed and improved noise handling. Contrary to the drawbacks of head-heavy rackets, the distribution of weight in the head and aerodynamics of the racket allows the Z-Forcefulness II to evangelize well-baked drives and perform well in net play. Highly recommended for avant-garde players.

Level Recommendation Advanced
Rest Caput-Heavy
Flex Extra Strong
Weight/Grip 3U (88g) G4,5
4U (83g) G4,five
Cost $$$
Amazon Black
Badminton Bay Blackness
Yumo Pro Shop Black


Racket Level Recommendation Balance Flex Weight/Grip Cost
Voltric 0F Beginner Head-Heavy HI-FLEX 4U (83g) G4 $
Voltric Ace Beginner Head-Heavy Howdy-FLEX 4U (83g) G5 $
Voltric Lite Beginner Head-Heavy Hullo-FLEX 4U (83g) G4,5 $
Voltric 1DG Beginner Caput-Heavy Medium 3U (88g) G5 $
Voltric 2DG Slim Beginner Head-Heavy HI-FLEX 3U (88g) G4,v $
Voltric 8DG Slim Intermediate Caput-Heavy HI-FLEX 3U (88g) G4,5 $$
Voltric GlanZ Intermediate Head-Heavy Medium 4U (83g) G4,five,6 $$$
Voltric FB Intermediate Head-Heavy Potent F (73g) G5 $$$
Voltric 10DG Avant-garde Head-Heavy Stiff 3U (88g) G5 $$$
Voltric 11DG Slim Advanced Head-Heavy Medium 3U (88g) G4,5 $$
Voltric 21DG Slim Avant-garde Head-Heavy Medium 3U (88g) G4,5 $$
Voltric Z-Force 2 Avant-garde Head-Heavy Extra Strong 3U (88g) G4,5
4U (83g) G4,5

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Yonex Voltric Glanz Badminton Racket (2016)

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