when you want to play badminton but you don't have friends

when you want to play badminton but you don't have friends

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Badminton is a fun sport and a great grade of exercise. To be a knockout badminton histrion, you have to have lightning-fast anxiety, stiff technique, and a cunning sense of strategy. If yous already know how to play badminton but want to elevate your game, yous volition have to discover a way to maximize your strengths and exploit your opponent's weaknesses.

Badminton Techniques, Exercises, and Warm upward

  1. 1

    Nigh of the time, endeavour to striking the center of the shuttlecock. You should hit the round safety centre, or the "sugariness spot" of the shuttle every single time. Yous can exercise this technique past looking right at the heart of the shuttle when you hit an overhead shot. You can also practice with your hands to attempt to become a feel for the shuttle.

  2. 2

    Striking the shuttle at the top of its arc. To benefit from the speed and elevation generated by the shuttle, hit information technology at the acme of its arc. This will allow you to shoot a killer overhead and to take more than control over the position of the shuttle. Don't await for the shuttle to come close to you, or information technology will be losing momentum and peak.


  3. 3

    Ever return to the middle of the court afterward you hit the shuttle. Render to the eye of the back of the court. This volition make it more difficult for your opponent to run yous effectually and to hitting the shuttle in a place that yous can't reach. Continuing in the eye of the court while moving your anxiety and preparing for the next shot will place yous in the "position of readiness."

  4. iv

    Hit the shuttle toward the back line. Hitting the shuttle toward the dorsum line takes precision and forcefulness, and information technology volition make your opponent accept to shuffle backwards and hit the shuttle with a considerable amount of force to render your shot. If you're not sure where to hit the shuttle next, and the dorsum line is wide open, aim it there. At the outset, aim the shuttle a bit before the back line and so you lot don't commit a mistake if it falls out of premises backside the dorsum line.

  5. five

    Exercise your footwork. Badminton is similar squash -- success is all in the footwork. If y'all're flat-footed on the court, you won't exist able to return your shots. Instead, stay on your toes, move your feet up and downwardly as y'all wait to return a shot, and motility your feet back and along and side to side in tiny motions to position yourself to render the shot. Don't be lazy and accomplish out your mitt too wide to try to return the shuttle -- instead, brand tiny movements with your anxiety until the shuttle is in perfect position. There are some exercises you tin can do to help you practice:

    • Squat bound - Put both easily at your back, then bend your knees as low as you lot can. Then, bound as high equally y'all can. Do this do in 10 reps. This exercise will make your knees and cadre stronger, so that in the match, you can make a perfect jumping nail.
    • Agility ladder - There are variety of exercise you tin do with this equipment. Information technology will non but help you to improve your footwork, it also helps you lot to ameliorate your endurance besides.
    • Lunges - Some people hate to do this exercise, but this actually helps yous to build muscle on your legs, especially your quad. I would recommend you guys to practise ten reps jump forepart lunges and also 10 reps side lunges. Brand sure you make big lunges when you are doing it. This will assist you to take the shuttle easily, especially on the front end court. Practice not forget to do information technology in correct techniques as well.
    • Shadow footwork around the court (with or without shuttle) - In one case you have mastered how to take the shuttle in every corner on the court. Get a partner or a motorbus to help yous to bespeak on a corner on the court, and then perform the footwork towards the betoken that has been pointed by him/her.
  6. 6

    Practice the short serve. Whether you're playing singles or doubles, the short serve volition catch your opponent off guard. He won't be expecting it, and may not be able to sew together to render the serve in time. To hit the short serve, yous shouldn't but hit the shuttle actually lightly, or it will fall on your side of the courtroom. Instead, hit it at a higher contact indicate and drop it closer to the racket instead of in front of the racket.[1]

  7. 7

    Practise the long serve in singles. In singles, striking a long serve all the way to the back of the service line will throw your opponent off guard. He may be standing in front end of the shuttle and can miss it completely, or he may non take enough power to render it. To striking a longer serve, let the shuttle fall in front of you as you swing your racket further dorsum nigh to your shoulder level so you generate more momentum before you swing forward and hit the shuttle.[2]

  8. eight

    Never give up. Always try to hit the shuttle.


  1. ane

    Understand your opponent's game. When y'all're playing a new opponent, whether it'southward at a contest or during a friendly game at a family outing, yous should appraise your opponent'due south game even while yous're warming upwards. You should look for a few main things: if your opponent is more than of an ambitious or defensive player, if his forehand or backhand is his dominant shot, and any weaknesses, such as boring footwork or weak driblet shot returns, that you lot can exploit.

  2. two

    Brand your opponent movement around the courtroom. Don't hit all of your shots to the aforementioned location of the court of your opponent will be able to predict your next move every fourth dimension. Instead, mix things up by hitting a drop shot followed by a shot to the baseline, or by moving your opponent from the right to the left side of the court. Moving from the forepart to the back of the court is particularly tricky unless your opponent has very nimble feet.

  3. 3

    Shoot toward your opponent's backhand. Many players are weaker on the backhand side, then attempt shooting toward your opponent's backhand and come across if this makes your opponent return less shots. If so, continue to exploit your opponent'southward backhand.

    • Your backhand is the left side for right-handed players and the correct side for left-handed players.
  4. 4

    Hit a elementary curt shot. When you're upwards at the net, merely hit the shuttle short, simply barely over to your opponent's side. This will brand your opponent run and will catch him off guard. This is a not bad technique if your opponent is positioned near the dorsum line. If your opponent knows that you are going to do a short shot, you demand to flick the shuttle over the opponent or to some other side and if you didn't practise this, your opponent volition fly the shuttle near the back line.

  5. 5

    Change the direction of the shuttle. If your opponent hits the shuttle directly at you, hit the shuttle in a unlike direction instead of hit information technology right back at your opponent, where he volition expect it to go. This volition work particularly well if the shuttle has generated a lot of momentum. If you're quick on your feet, yous can change the direction of the shuttle and not give your opponent enough time to react to a fast-moving shuttle.

  6. 6

    Hit a drop shot followed by a shot to the back of the court. If yous accept mastered the drop shot, then use information technology to brand your opponent run all the mode to the front of the court. Then render the next shot all the manner to the back of the courtroom. Non only will this force your opponent to be quick on his feet, but it will likewise catch him off guard. This is also a neat manner to tire your opponent.

    • To do a driblet shot, hit the shuttle lightly and so it simply crosses the net.
  7. 7

    Make your opponent play your fashion of game. If you similar staying virtually the cyberspace, serve short, hit drop shots, and practice whatsoever yous can to make certain that your opponent tin can't hitting the shuttle to the back line. If you lot're more comfortable at the back line, and so serve long and hitting speedy long shots so your opponent doesn't have a chance to movement you lot toward the net. Brand the opponent lose all command every bit you play your mode of game and maximize your strengths.


  1. 1

    Slice your net shots. This will make the shuttle spin and fall in an unpredictable management. To slice your net shot, kickoff the forward motility every bit you unremarkably would, and then move the dissonance inward as you lot slice the racket perpendicular to the center of the birdie. Your opponent will exist expecting you to hit the birdie directly forward, while information technology will actually spin cross courtroom.[three]

  2. two

    Slice your drib shots. To do this, slice the racket, or move it perpendicularly over the centre of the shuttle when information technology's in the air. This will make the shuttle lose much of its momentum and apace fall on the opponent's side almost the internet.[4]

  3. iii

    Nail the shuttle. Dandy is when you hit the shuttle with all of your strength at the pinnacle of its arc. Betoken your costless hand at the shuttle to continue track of its path, and then swing the racket over your caput, hitting the center of the birdie and smashing it down into the opponent's court. This is similar to serving in tennis.[v]

    • When yous're slap-up the shuttle, aim is just as important every bit strength. Don't but blindly hit the shuttle as hard as you tin -- you should try to aim it either as far away from your opponent as possible or correct at your opponent'southward body and then he will be caught off baby-sit.
  4. 4

    Jump before you smash the shuttle. One time y'all've mastered the standard smash, you can practice jumping upwards as yous boom the shuttle. This volition give you lot even more momentum and will make the shuttle autumn into your opponent's court even faster. Simply bound up a pes or two, aiming your chest and body in the management that you want the shuttle to go, and nail information technology at the eye of its arc.

  5. v

    Don't smash the shuttle every fourth dimension. The blast should be used at a fourth dimension when the shuttle is high in the air and you take plenty of fourth dimension to approach -- it should cease the point in your favor. If you lot blast the shuttle at every opportunity, you volition tire your arms and volition gamble smashing information technology into the net at inopportune moments.

  6. 6

    Always plan your next move. A first actor is just happy when he hits the shuttle over the internet. An avant-garde player understands that a good game of badminton is like a game of chess -- you should e'er position your shot wisely so that you movement your opponent to the exact place where you want him to exist so you tin can hitting the post-obit shot. Always plan your side by side motility and always think one step ahead of your opponent.


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  • Question

    How practise I defend against a blast?

    Community Answer

    Ordinarily, if your opponent hits a smash directly at you, instinctively you will try to hitting it back in the same position, which volition most likely make the shuttle hit the internet. Instead, quickly step out of the way and hitting the shuttle side-on, this will reduce the risk of hitting the net and also defend you against the smash.

  • Question

    How tin can I terminate being then nervous when playing in a tournament?

    Community Answer

    Take deep breaths, and try not to think well-nigh the negative. Don't worry nearly winning the round, just focus on playing your best. The calmer you lot are, the ameliorate yous'll play (and the more it will unnerve your opponent).

  • Question

    I am very lazy and tedious, what should I practise?

    Julia G.

    Julia One thousand.

    Community Reply

    Exercise, practice, practice. Offset past practicing with parents, relatives and close friends. Then, when yous feel like you lot've got some skill, kickoff going to badminton courses. It doesn't matter if you are slow at first; your speed will improve with proficiency.

  • Question

    How do I avoid smashes? What position should be maintained to do so?

    Community Answer

    Try to proceed the opponent off-guard with drib shots and clears to the back of the courtroom, and don't do high shots that would allow fourth dimension to set up a smash. Always keep your opponent moving and off-residuum.

  • Question

    How long do I take to do each twenty-four hour period?

    Community Answer

    If you would similar to exist truly tournament-tier level, then you will have to exercise at least a couple of hours each twenty-four hours. Your practice can include endurance force training along with badminton practice.

  • Question

    Should I change my playing manner if my opponent discovers my weakness?

    Community Answer

    You can, but go along in mind that suddenly changing your playing style tin can weaken your skills until you become accustomed to the new manner, and so it might set yous back.

  • Question

    How do I concur the badminton noise?

    Community Answer

    Concord the racket loose, but still tightly enough so that it doesn't fall out of your easily. Place your fingers so that the space between your thumb and your index finger forms a mix between a "U" and a "5".

  • Question

    How do I know where my opponent will most probably return my shot?

    Community Answer

    There's no true way to predict where your opponent will render the shot, merely in that location are some hints. Expect for clues such as where their trunk is facing. Nigh players volition turn their torso towards where they'll hit to. With some players yous can watch their racket. For example, a role player may draw their racket backwards if they're going to clear a driblet, whereas if they were to drop, they wouldn't describe. At more avant-garde levels, these clues will get less obvious or may even be cherry herrings, merely information technology's a skillful showtime.

  • Question

    What is the best style of holding the dissonance?

    Community Answer

    Use the thumb and index finger, with the other three fingers below the thumb and the index finger. Make the hold tight especially when it'southward backhand.

  • Question

    What would be the best kind of shoes to wearable for badminton to keep my knees from hurting?

    Community Answer

    To stop your feet from hurting on a hard court, invest in some good shoes. Go to your local sports shoe store, inquire for a "cross trainer" shoe or a "court" shoe with actress support. Do not buy a "running shoe" for badminton every bit these types of shoes offer little support and do not work well on a hard courtroom surface.

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  • Communication is the primal in doubles. Phone call for shots and tell your partner to 'leave' shots that are going out. Use visual communication, letting the histrion who cannot encounter his partner brand the tactical decisions. For case, when you are in forepart of your partner, you decide which shots to take and where to move. Exercise it quickly, so your partner isn't left guessing.

  • When choosing a double'south partner you both should have similar forcefulness and skills. Even if your shots aren't smashing and y'all are bad at defence force, it is important that your partner tin can help better your decision making and you lot tin can work together to overcome your weaknesses.

  • If possible try to transport the shuttlecock to the back line of the court.

  • Cross drib shots and cross serves will do magic. Attempt dropping the shuttle diagonally most the cyberspace. Information technology is easier to stymie the opponent.

  • Don't rely on your arm. Instead piece of work your wrist to conserve your stamina. Good wrist play also required to exercise more than advanced shot techniques. For more power, keep your grip relaxed and tighten your grip on the moment of impact.

  • Study your opponent's weaknesses. Is his backhand weak? Does he take difficulty returning smashes to the trunk, returning drops, moving backwards, etc? In doubles, is one player weaker than the other? Is one better at the net than the other?

  • In doubles, avert blocking a smash softly. In that location is a person standing in the front end waiting to intercept information technology. Instead, proceed lifting it back until they hit back a weaker shot that you tin counterattack.

  • If yous are trying for curt serve, tilt the racket as you hit the serve. This will lead to a wobbling shuttle, making harder for the opponent to render with accuracy or power.

  • In short, if you're pretty certain your opponent cannot return your shot to the back lines, you tin can stand closer to the internet. Remember, these are only assumptions; you lot still demand to keep other possibilities in mind so you aren't caught off guard.

  • Net shots are fragile. To command them more accurately, use your fingers to send them where you want.

  • Aim for the four corners of the reverse side.

  • When your opponent gives you a backhand shot, try to convert it to forehand by playing the round the head shot whenever possible.

  • If playing doubles, when you serve, the server should go close to the cyberspace forcing your opponents to hit it long. Your partner, who is behind y'all can then render it easily.

  • Many people learn to always render to the exact eye of the court later on each shot. This is actually incorrect. Your "base" changes depending on the blazon of shot you brand. For case, when you lot hitting a net shot, yous bias your base closer to the front. The closer the birdie is to the net, the more forward you stand, because it is harder for your opponent to button you dorsum. (If they try, it is rare that the shuttle will reach the back lines, so you don't need to worry well-nigh roofing there.) When you lift to the dorsum, you might desire to move back as well to gear up for the blast (especially when you hit high and shallow). And when you smash in singles, your opponent will virtually e'er block information technology to the front, so prepare to move forrard.

  • Hit the shuttle quickly. This technique will confuse your opponents.

  • Always be precise and deceptive with the service. For example, human action as if you lot are going to serve forepart simply serve back.

  • A backhand smash is skilful motility to catch your opponent off guard.

  • Effort to do half smashed. They accept one-half the speed and travel half the distance. Practice it with someone you know. It involves wrist work by jumping upwards and smashing only with your wrist.

  • If you desire to hitting a smash and so practice the squad jump and repeat it ten times. This will help you to smash harder and ameliorate.

  • Always render to the centre of your side, so that your opponent doesn't succeed in tiring yous.

  • Advanced players know how to apply charade, so try non to guess what the next shot will be beforehand.[6]

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Things You lot'll Need

  • Board shorts
  • ii-4 players
  • Badminton court
  • Badminton net
  • Racket
  • Shuttlecock(southward)
  • Good sports shoes

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Commodity Summary Ten

To play badminton ameliorate, make sure you're always hitting the round rubber center of the shuffle. As well, try to hit the shuffle when information technology's at the top of its arc instead of waiting for it to come close to you, which volition brand your shot faster and more powerful. Whenever you striking the shuffle, immediately run back to the middle of the court and so yous're fix to hitting the shuffle once again regardless of where your opponent sends it. You should too e'er try to hit the shuffle toward the back line on your opponent'southward court, which will make it harder for them to return. To learn how to principal advanced badminton techniques, ringlet down!

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when you want to play badminton but you don't have friends

Posted by: richardsonspectimpas.blogspot.com

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