is badminton good for weight loss

is badminton good for weight loss

In this twenty-four hours and age, everybody is looking to lose some weight. It could be because of wellness reasons, looks, or something else! Whatever the reason, you might too have fun while doing information technology. In this post, we'll discuss why and how badminton helps reduce weight and more.

Badminton helps reduce weight past increasing your heart rate and metabolism and past working both your aerobic and anaerobic metabolic systems. Playing badminton at a medium intensity will burn roughly 450 calories per hr and playing 3 hours a calendar week will assist you reduce up to 10 pounds (iv.5 kg) per year if you simply consume back half the calories that yous burn in addition to your normal diet. Moreover, badminton training has shown to help reduce body fat percentage. Co-ordinate to a report that was supported by the Badminton World Federation, students who participated in an 8 calendar week badminton training plan reduced their body fat per centum by 0.nine% while the group of students in the regular physical education (PE) badminton program did not see whatever pregnant change in body fatty percentage.

Why Does Playing Badminton Help Reduce Weight?

Badminton helps reduce weight because information technology helps burn calories quickly, which is the result of two primary reasons:

  1. High Intensity and Increased Heart Rate
  2. High Metabolic Piece of work Rate

Loftier Intensity and Increased Heart Rate

Badminton is 1 of the well-nigh intense sports in the globe equally it is the fastest racket sport and raises your heart rate quickly due to many short but rapid movements. To go a feel of how fast and intense badminton is, accept a look at the table below that compares the top speeds of unlike sports.

Sport Top Speed in Tournament Play
Table Tennis 33.5 mph (54 kph)
Volleyball 73.ix mph (119 kph)
Ice Hockey 110.iii mph (178 kph)
Baseball 123.9 mph (199 kph)
Soccer 131.1 mph (211 kph)
Tennis 163.4 mph (263 kph)
Squash 176.0 mph (283 kph)
Golf 211.0 mph (340 kph)
Badminton 264.vii mph (426 kph)
Sports and their respective fastest hits in tournament play

Badminton's elevation speed is the fastest by far!

Not only is badminton the fastest racket sport in the world, it too gets your heart pumping actually quickly. The ideal heart rate for training is 75-85% of the maximum expected centre rate. According to the Badminton World Federation (BWF) and a written report from the University of Victoria on A Comparison of Heart Rate Responses in Racquet Games, recreational badminton can, on boilerplate, raise players' center rates to lxxx-85% of their maximum heart rate, which is significantly higher than the 68-seventy% of tennis. This means it is easier for players to reach higher heart rates with badminton than with tennis. The study also shows that for every 30 minutes of game play, the time spent playing lawn tennis is almost 5 minutes, while the time spent playing for badminton is about 10 minutes – further illustrating the intensity difference between the sports.

Intensity % of Maximum Expected Heart Rate
Depression Below 50%
Medium 50-seventy%
High 70-85%
Intensity based off of eye rate

High Metabolic Piece of work Rate

Badminton helps burn calories because of its high metabolic work rate. Before I get into the details for badminton specifically, let's discuss what I hateful past metabolic work charge per unit.

The homo torso burns calories naturally without you needing to do anything. These are burned from just your normal body functions that are needed to go on you lot alive. The charge per unit at which your body burns calories to simply stay alive is called your basal metabolic rate (BMR). When yous exercise, yous burn calories relative to your basal metabolic rate based off the metabolic work rate of the exercise, also called a metabolic equivalent of task (MET). For instance, walking has a MET of three, meaning that yous will burn 3 times as many calories while walking than while doing nothing – in other words, y'all will burn three times your BMR from walking.

To calculate your daily BMR, you lot can apply an online calculator here. Your BMR is dependent on your sex, height, weight, and historic period. Men tend to have a higher BMR than women due to lower fat percentage as muscle burns more calories than fat does. Taller and heavier people also accept higher BMR because they have more mass and therefore more than muscle/fatty that burns calories. Lastly, BMR slows down as people get older considering metabolic processes on the cellular level tiresome downwardly and lose efficiency with age.

Delight note that your BMR is Non the amount of calories you lot demand to eat in a twenty-four hours to stay at the same weight since there are other activities yous practice during the day that too burn calories. To get an judge of your daily caloric needs, employ the online computer hither.

Now allow's talk about badminton'southward metabolic piece of work rate. Badminton has a MET of three to 4 for light intensity, 5 to 7 for medium intensity, and eight to 9 for high intensity play. Have a look at the tabular array below for some comparisons between walking, badminton, and tennis MET values. And take a wait at this study to view an all-encompassing list of activities and their corresponding estimated MET values.

Action MET
Walking (Light) three
Walking (Medium) 4
Walking (High) five
Lawn tennis (Light) 4 – 5
Lawn tennis (Medium) v – vii
Tennis (High) viii – 10
Badminton (Light) three – 4
Badminton (Medium) 5 – seven
Badminton (High) 8 – 9

As y'all can see in the in a higher place table, badminton can help burn quite a few calories – especially in the medium to high intensity levels. By playing badminton, y'all're able to fire calories at a much faster pace than what y'all would have burned from just your BMR. Really, whatever exercise will aid you fire calories at a higher rate, only I recommend badminton because it has comparable MET values to most other sports' MET values, is easy to play (only difficult to principal), and is just and so much more fun!

How Long Exercise I Take to Play Badminton to Come across Weight Reduction Results?

How long it takes for you to see weight reduction results from playing badminton depends on three major factors:

  1. How many hours you play badminton per week
  2. The intensity of the gameplay
  3. How much you consume

The more hours you play per calendar week, the college the intensity, and the less you eat – the faster the results. Nonetheless, this is past no means a suggestion to play continuously and vigorously while starving yourself. Rather, use the tables beneath to requite yourself the correct expectations as to what your progress should wait similar depending on how your schedule is and make sure to stay consistent.

In the post-obit tables, I show the number of weeks information technology will accept to lose a pound and the number of pounds you would lose in a calendar month depending on the number of hours and intensity of badminton play. Nosotros'll also put the same charts in kilograms also.

Before looking at the tables, be aware of the 3 assumptions I took to make them:

  1. You will swallow dorsum simply half the calories that you burn during a session. This is recommended by the registered dietician, Dawn Jackson Blatner, in Shape's article on How to Control Your Ravenous Hunger Later on a Tough Conditioning and is a very important step to lose weight. Eating back all the calories you burn will effectively go along you at the same weight.
  2. 3500 calories = i pound, 7700 calories = 1 kg. There are manufactures out at that place that advise that the number of calories to lose 1 pound may exist up to 7000 calories instead of 3500 because losing weight is dynamic and dependent on many factors – significant that at that place isn't a single set dominion to the number of calories you need to burn down to lose one pound. However, I assume the above rules to go on information technology elementary and easy to calculate, simply proceed in heed that it is a crude estimate.
  3. Low Intensity = 225 calories/hour, Medium Intensity = 450 calories/hour, High Intensity = 675 calories/hour. This can differ depending on your basal metabolic rate (BMR), as discussed to a higher place. If y'all want to find out how many calories you will burn in an 60 minutes, calculate your daily BMR here. Get your hourly BMR by dividing information technology by 24 . And so multiply it by 3 or 4 for low intensity, 5 to 7 for medium intensity, and 8 or nine for high intensity – which are the corresponding MET values for badminton as discussed in the previous section.

Depression Intensity

Number of Hours Played per Week Calorie Deficit Number of Weeks to Lose i Pound Number of Weeks to Lose ane Kg
1 112.5 31.1 68.4
2 225 15.six 34.2
3 337.five 10.4 22.eight
4 450 vii.viii 17.1
5 562.v 6.2 13.7
6 675 v.2 eleven.4
7 787.5 4.4 9.eight
8 900 3.9
9 1012.5 three.5 seven.half-dozen
x 1125 3.1 6.8
Number of Hours Playing Badminton per Calendar week at Depression Intensity to Number of Weeks to Lose 1 Pound/Kilogram
Number of Hours Played per Week # Pounds Lost Per Twelvemonth # Kilograms Lost Per Year
1 i.vii 0.8
2 3.iii 1.5
3 5 2.3
4 6.7 3
5 eight.4 3.8
half-dozen 10 4.5
7 11.7 five.3
viii xiii.4 6.i
9 15 half-dozen.8
x 16.7
Number of Hours Playing Badminton per Calendar week at Low Intensity to Number of Pounds/Kilograms Lost per Year

Medium Intensity

Number of Hours Played per Week Calorie Deficit Number of Weeks to Lose ane Pound Number of Weeks to Lose 1 Kg
1 225 xv.six 34.ii
2 450 seven.8 17.i
3 675 5.two 11.4
4 900 three.9 8.6
5 1125 three.1 6.8
vi 1350 2.6 5.7
7 1575 2.2 4.9
eight 1800 1.nine iv.iii
9 2025 1.vii iii.8
10 2250 1.6 3.iv
Number of Hours Playing Badminton per Week at Medium Intensity to Number of Weeks to Lose i Pound/Kilogram
Number of Hours Played per Week # Pounds Lost Per Twelvemonth # Kilograms Lost Per Yr
one 3.iii 1.v
2 half-dozen.7 iii
3 10 4.5
four xiii.4 half dozen.1
5 7.half dozen
6 9.1
7 23.four ten.6
viii 26.vii 12.1
9 30.1 13.7
ten 33.four fifteen.two
Number of Hours Playing Badminton per Calendar week at Medium Intensity to Number of Pounds/Kilograms Lost per Year

High Intensity

Number of Hours Played per Week Calorie Deficit Number of Weeks to Lose i Pound Number of Weeks to Lose 1 Kg
1 337.v x.iv 22.8
2 675 five.two 11.4
3 1012.5 3.5 seven.6
4 1350 2.6 5.7
5 1687.5 ii.i 4.half dozen
6 2025 one.7 3.eight
vii 2362.5 one.v three.3
8 2700 1.three 2.ix
9 3037.5 1.two two.5
10 3375 1 2.3
Number of Hours Playing Badminton per Week at High Intensity to Number of Weeks to Lose i Pound/Kilogram
Number of Hours Played per Week # Pounds Lost Per Year # Kilograms Lost Per Year
1 5 2.iii
ii 10 4.5
3 15 6.eight
4 twenty.1 ix.1
v 25.i xi.4
6 30.1 13.vii
7 35.i xv.9
8 40.ane 18.2
9 20.5
10 50.1 22.7
Number of Hours Playing Badminton per Week at High Intensity to Number of Pounds/Kilograms Lost per Twelvemonth

How Does Playing Badminton Assistance Reduce Weight?

As discussed in the kickoff section, badminton helps burn calories at a high charge per unit by increasing your metabolic work charge per unit during your session. In this section, we'll become over how that is done and also have a wait at what muscle groups are worked in badminton.

Engage the Aerobic and Anaerobic Metabolic Systems To Lose Weight and Fire Fatty

Badminton helps reduce weight by working both your aerobic (pregnant "with oxygen") and anaerobic (pregnant "without oxygen") metabolic systems, making badminton both an aerobic and anaerobic practise.

Aerobic exercises, also known every bit cardio, crave oxygen to burn carbohydrates and fat for energy and are light to moderate in intensity. When doing aerobic exercises, you will burn a college percent from fat than from carbohydrates and your eye rate will be around 40-lxxx% of your maximum center rate. Benefits of aerobic exercises include losing weight, increasing stamina, strengthening your centre, and even living longer according to Mayoclinic's mail on aerobic exercises.

Anaerobic exercises, on the other manus, do not use oxygen to fire carbohydrates for free energy (and not fat) and are high in intensity. What happens during anaerobic exercises is that your oxygen supply is completely consumed considering your body'due south need for oxygen is too high. Since your body no longer has enough oxygen, it can just burn glucose for energy and not fatty. While fat isn't burned during the practise, your body will replenish the burned glucose later by burning fat.

Your anaerobic organization is used when your heart rate is 80-90% of your maximum heart charge per unit and is used for explosive movements. The benefits of anaerobic exercises include strengthening bones, called-for fatty, building muscle, and maintaining muscle mass according to Piedmont Healthcare's article on The Benefits of Anaerobic Exercise.

Badminton is approximately threescore-seventy% aerobic and thirty-40% anaerobic according to The Science of Badminton: Game Characteristics, Anthropometry, Physiology, Visual Fitness and Biomechanics. This makes sense since most badminton shots are of medium to low intensity, such as clears, drops, lifts, and drives (if you're unfamiliar with the bones badminton shots – or if you lot want to learn about some more avant-garde shots – I propose reading our post What Type of Shots are in Badminton? (With 19 Examples)). Moreover, periods betwixt rallies use your aerobic organisation rather than your anaerobic system since players use this fourth dimension for residuum. On the flip side, badminton has brusque bursts of very loftier intensity moments that utilise your anaerobic system. Movements and shots such as jumping, diving, and smashing require sudden and high spikes of energy, therefore working your anaerobic organization.

By working both the aerobic and anaerobic systems, badminton gets the best of both worlds, making information technology a slap-up sport to play if you want to lose weight, fire fat, and strengthen your heart.

Build Muscle To Burn Calories Faster

While badminton is dandy at burning fat and carbohydrates past working both your aerobic and anaerobic systems, it can also help you build musculus. Each pound of musculus burns 6-7 calories a 24-hour interval while each pound of fatty burns two-iii calories a mean solar day – a pretty significant departure! Therefore, edifice more muscle can definitely help with burning more calories and losing more weight. Let's have a expect at which muscles badminton works the well-nigh.

The muscles used in badminton include your calves, hamstrings, glutes, quads, forearm, shoulder, and core. Other muscles like your triceps and biceps are also worked by badminton merely to a lesser extent.

Where badminton actually shines in working and toning is the lower body – namely your calves, hamstrings, glutes, and quads. This is because fast and fluid movement is so disquisitional in badminton. Having stiff legs to shuffle, lunge, and jump around the court is essential and fifty-fifty fundamental (except in the wheelchair events of para-badminton) to condign a skilful badminton histrion. By playing badminton, you will build lower torso muscles quickly and strengthen your legs to stabilize yourself through repeated footwork practice.

While badminton provides the all-time workout for your lower body muscles, it also helps work out other areas also – including your forearm, shoulder, and cadre. These areas are worked on depending on the type of shot or movement y'all are performing. Your forearm is flexed the almost during fast apartment bulldoze exchanges while your shoulder is used heavily in large motions such equally when performing a smash. Your core, on the other hand, is almost constantly engaged to help you balance and stabilize as at that place are lots of dynamic motion in badminton.

As we can come across, badminton provides quite a full torso workout! It includes all of the major lower body muscles and a adept portion of the upper body. Y'all can residual bodacious that you lot will, in fact, be edifice muscles while having fun playing badminton. Be aware though, that badminton does favor one side of your trunk (your dominant side) over your other side, and so make certain to exercise another exercises to residue out your other side!

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Hither'south some guides and reviews on badminton products. We update this list whenever we add together new equipment content – hope you savour!

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Yonex Pro Racquet Handbag (9 PCS) Review
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Yonex Super Grap Review
Yonex Tacky Fit Grip Review
Kimony KGT109 Grip Review
Badminton Grip Buyer's Guide
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Yonex Nanoflare Series
Yonex Nanoray Serial
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Victor Auraspeed Series
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Badminton Racket Buyer's Guide
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Misc Yonex Accessories Guide
8 Pieces of Equipment Every Badminton Player Needs
Everything Badminton'south Fitness and Footwork eBook Review
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is badminton good for weight loss

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